Tuesday 18 May 2010

Dealing With the Nanny State

no-nanny_finger2 The latest wheeze from a state hell bent on sticking its nose into everyones business comes in the form of checks on the homes of those who children, not content with telling people how to wrap their kids up in cotton wool they now want to come and inspect peoples homes to make sure they’ve listened to nanny and like good little boys and girls done what they been told to do. This is the worst kind of interference from people who really treat those paying their wages as fools, if these people have nothing better to do then maybe they should be sent down the job centre to look for a proper job.

“What about the children” brainless state Borgs will cry, seemingly unaware that the human race have been able to raise children for many thousands of years without the help of interfering busybodies. Yes children do get hurt in the home, they always have and always will, with or without interference from the state. These visits may be voluntary but it won’t be long before someone starts suggesting those refusing a search of their home have something to hide. Our homes are the one place were we should be able to get away from the state, once we let officials treat our homes as fair game then they won’t stop. I remember Ed Balls suggesting cameras should be put in the homes of “problem” families and no one said a word about it, in a decent country where the people valued their privacy he would have been hung out to dry, yet here we’re so used to this kind of thing it went unnoticed. 

I want to see the new government jump on this straight away and put these people back in their place, enough is enough.

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