Tuesday, 18 May 2010
It's been a long time coming.

Dealing With the Nanny State
The latest wheeze from a state hell bent on sticking its nose into everyones business comes in the form of checks on the homes of those who children, not content with telling people how to wrap their kids up in cotton wool they now want to come and inspect peoples homes to make sure they’ve listened to nanny and like good little boys and girls done what they been told to do. This is the worst kind of interference from people who really treat those paying their wages as fools, if these people have nothing better to do then maybe they should be sent down the job centre to look for a proper job.
“What about the children” brainless state Borgs will cry, seemingly unaware that the human race have been able to raise children for many thousands of years without the help of interfering busybodies. Yes children do get hurt in the home, they always have and always will, with or without interference from the state. These visits may be voluntary but it won’t be long before someone starts suggesting those refusing a search of their home have something to hide. Our homes are the one place were we should be able to get away from the state, once we let officials treat our homes as fair game then they won’t stop. I remember Ed Balls suggesting cameras should be put in the homes of “problem” families and no one said a word about it, in a decent country where the people valued their privacy he would have been hung out to dry, yet here we’re so used to this kind of thing it went unnoticed.
I want to see the new government jump on this straight away and put these people back in their place, enough is enough.
Well Done Labour, We’re Broke Again
What would people think of anyone who stole from their childrens savings to spend on themselves? they quite rightly would be disgusted with such a person, yet everyone who voted Labour knowing they we’re spending our childrens future are guilty of exactly the same thing. Yet even now people are still promoting the Labour party, Labour politicians and supporters have shown no remorse at all, in fact they’re behaving as if what they’ve done is acceptable. Some are even carrying on as if the debt is something made up by the media and some idiots are even blaming the coalition. These greedy self serving individuals should never be allowed near office again, they've shown they cannot be trusted and that many are just too fucking stupid.
Monday, 17 May 2010
Give It Up Drones, You Lost.
I can’t help but laugh at Labours dwindling number of supporters, they honestly think they’ll be back in power after the letting the coalition take the blame for Labours 13 years of incompetence, they really think people are stupid enough to blame those fixing the problem rather than those who caused the problem in the first place. These people are deranged, they can’t see the damage they’ve done and are blaming everyone but themselves. Labours way has failed just as it has failed in the past, this generation won’t forget what Labour done to this once great nation. They won’t forget the lies, the police state that Labour was building and they certainly won’t forget the unholy mess Labour made of our finances. Come the next election Labour won’t even be able to scare people into voting for them, the people will have seen that the Tories respect peoples rights and that they don't eat babies.
You just have to look at them on Twitter and Facebook to see how out of touch they are, they’re more concerned with the colour of the cabinet than they are with the issues facing nation. I can’t even feel sorry for them, they after all supported a regime that done it’s best to destroy this nation and replace it with some authoritarian nightmare based on their blueprint for government “1984”. They support the party that left over million Iraqis dead and countless more innocents in Afghanistan. Our soldiers come home in bags because Labour wouldn’t fund them properly while at the same time giving money away to places like India, Nigeria and China. They left people to rot on the dole while immigrants took the jobs they should have been doing. They done nothing while gangs of feral children made the lives of decent people a living hell. The list goes on and on yet these muppets think no one has noticed.
Now they’re having a leadership contest, we just have to look at the shower of shit standing to see why their doomed. Ed Miliband (climate loon), D Miliband (gormless halfwit) and Ed Balls (a real nasty character righty hated). They wouldn’t do much worse putting Gary Glitter up.
A New Dawn
After 13 years of the Labour misrule, corruption, waste and abuse the nightmare is finally over. We didn’t win outright which a shame but when you consider we were up against a client state Labour had been building up for 13 years, boundaries twisted in Labours favour and the BBC I don’t think we done too bad. Maybe if we’d have concentrated a little more on Labours failings rather then the “Big Society” shite we may have picked up a few more seats but that’s in the past and it’s the future that matters now.
So what now? Having to deal with the Lib Dems is hardly ideal but it’s the reality we’re faced with, a minority Tory government wouldn’t have lasted very long and while some may think we would win a subsequent election it’s a hell of gamble and the risk of a Labour return too great. I was skeptical to start with, I didn’t trust the Lib Dems at all and honestly thought they would be so split over the idea that it wouldn’t get off the ground or if it did it would fall apart in a matter of weeks. Their response has been surprising as has the level of support among Lib Dem MPs and supporters, some feel betrayed but you have to wonder about anyone who supports a party and then complains when they find a way to finally put their policies into action. I also wonder about anyone calling themselves “Liberal” who wants a pact with Stalinist Labour.
I think we should get behind Cameron and Clegg and give them our support, they have a tough job to do and in these dire times we must be seen to put country before party. The Public didn’t vote for a hung parliament but that’s what we’ve got, we need to show the public that we can behave like adults and work together for the common good. This doesn’t mean we have to give up what we believe in, it means we have to face up to the reality of the situation and play the hand we were dealt.
After the long dark days of Labour rule we can now look forward to a brighter future, cleaning up Labours mess won’t be easy and it certainly won’t be pain free. The people know who is to blame for the coming cuts and tax hikes, Labour think they’re stupid, we know they’re not.
Lets look forward, not back. Lets make this country great again, Labour are gone, lets not give them a chance to return.